The dashboard view below consists of uncashed checks issued by the City of Columbus to individuals and organizations doing business with the City. By default, this table is sorted (oldest to newest) on the check issuance date (Check Date).
Note: Per the City Charter, payments from the City are defined as warrants and not checks. A warrant is an order issued by the Auditor of a governmental entity to the Treasurer of that government to release money from the government’s treasury, whereas a check is defined as an instrument that directs a bank or financial institution to release funds. Because the City’s payments are released by the City Treasurer, they are warrants. The important thing to note is that both warrants and checks produce the same result for a payee, which is payment of funds. The word "warrant" can cause some confusion and most financial software products use the word "check" for payment detail (such as check number or check date). Therefore, this data portal refers to City warrants as checks for ease of use. Fields such as check number or check date represent City warrant number or City warrant date.
You can also download all of the uncashed checks data by visiting the City of Columbus Data Hub. Please click here to download the full financial data sets in popular data formats such as csv and json.